Wyvern Academy is registered under Darlington Council’s local authority and our admission policy is devised and administered by them. Further information in relation to the process can be seen by clicking on the following link.
Parents wishing to register their child for admission in September should visit the Local Authority website and register their interest ahead of the deadline.
Our current student admission number for the year 7 cohort in 2023 is 140.
Determined Admission Arrangements
The School Admission Regulations 2012 require admission authorities to set (‘determine’) admission arrangements annually. For entry in 2018 all admission authorities must have determined their admission arrangements by 28 February each year.
Once arrangements have been determined, any objections to them should be referred in writing to the Schools Adjudicator. For entry in 2018 objections must be referred by 15 May in the year of entry. The Schools Adjudicator can be contacted at The Office of the Schools Adjudicator, Bishopsgate House, Feethams, Darlington, DL1 5QE. You can also contact them on 01325 340525 or by emailing the team at .
Once admission arrangements have been determined for a particular school year, they cannot be revised by the admission authority unless such revision is necessary to give effect to a mandatory requirement of the Code, admission law, a determination of the Adjudicator or any misprint in the admission arrangements.